Sunday, August 03, 2008

yup. another busy week gone by. that's leaving me another few weeks to prelims.

i was sad again. haha.

ok, since im so bored, i shall write bout something that happened last night...
i left my house at 7.15pm and was hoping to reach my destination by 8pm, where it is not very far away. so i waited for my usual 173 which as usual, took like forever to come. its ok, i predicted that, so i waited. then it came like bout 7.25 and it took 5min to bring me to another bus stop where i can take 174 and go to the place. i stood there waited and waited till 7.45pm. no sign of the bus at all. i almost fainted. if i walked there i would probably have reached! (joking) ya, just then, i noticed a 173 coming. then there was this really old uncle chasing after the bus. he made it, but the bus driver simply drove off. and there was yet another man behind waiting to board the bus. i was so disgusted! the uncle was standing next to me, panting away badly. then he shook his head. poor thing. for the next few buses, i noticed that he really had difficulty seeing the numbers on them. poor thing. oh by then, it is almost 8pm. i hoped onto the 174 which was so packed i felt like i was being mashed. eventually, i realised, it took so long for it to come because it was affected by the NDP rehearsal. HAHA

Gotta fix that calender I have
That's marked July 15th
Because since there's no more you
There's no more anniversary
I'm so fed up with my thoughts of you
And your memory
And how every song reminds me
Of what used to be

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