Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Everything's gonna be OK.

yeah, finally some time alone... sitting in the computer lab in school doing my work right now.

everyday my hours are mostly spent on people.. cellgroup, meetings and catching ups over lunch and dinner. even when i am back in my room, my roomie or neighbour would be around. its not that i mind, its just that many times i prefer being shutting my mouth up and be on my own. i spend most of the rest of the time i have on my phone anyway. i would always be busy texting and replying emails.

before i go, just wanna share that i am tired. yeah, we all know how busy i am but i am choosing to hang on. it seems like i cannot even see the light at the end of this tunnel but i wanna keep walking and keep trusting God that He will provide. i cannot do this so i need His strength, grace and wisdom. i need His everlasting love to walk me through this journey. it'll be a season of breaking and healing, pruning and growing. it will be a time when i need Him more than anything else and to grow close to him.

God, I miss You. When I am tired Lord let me feel You close. When I am lonely Father help me know that You're just right here next to me embracing me. Give me the strength to carry on when my mind tells me I cannot do it anymore. Allow me to sink in Your grace when I am lost. If this is Your will then use me. God You protect me. You come and meet me every single day. I want wisdom that comes from You and send me the right people to do Your work. Let me not fear in men but only fear in You. Here I am, be the center of my life. Thank You and I love You. In Jesus' name Your precious gorgeous lovely daughter I pray, Amen.

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12 

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