Monday, August 26, 2013

Times like these.

A tinge of sadness.

Its times like these that I know who I really matter to. To the people who care, who specially came down (or bothered to just drop me a text and say 'jiayou'), and to those who really prayed and made the effort to support me in one way or another, I really just wanna say it matters and I appreciate it a lot. While I may not do it for man to see, I believe God has placed me in a community to be loved and watch His love manifest. It filters down to a few people and these are the people I know who will stand by me through thick and skin, through rain or shine. Thank God for them. :')

I am glad that though I am reluctant, I am committed. I've barely started by God I know you're close and I want to say that I will finish strong and I ain't no quitter! The road that I choose may be harder but I can smile in the storm because Jesus is aboard. Lord, my lips will praise You all the days of my life. <3 p="">

If I AM for you, who can be against you?

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