Friday, July 06, 2007

sunnyyy, chest pain.
someday - nickelback

back home finally. i was rather anxious cos i wanted to know exactly what's going on, i was freaking damn irritated and distracted today in school while thinking of certain stuff...

its like, i was totally shocked this morning upon seeing your sms. it took me say 15mins to regain back to myself? i thought i was dreamingg or you simply sent the wrong message.
then only after reading your blog just now did i only clear every doubt in me. alright, so all along you've been reading my blog... honestly, i did feel a little, hmm, violated. kinda, in the sense of my privacy. cos you know, i didnt mean to hurt you, that's why i only post it on my blog. cos if i really wanted to scold, i would have screamed at you already like how i always vent my anger in school. now im really guilty cos i know a million sorries wont take that pain away. i know how it feels like, cos i rmb how hurting it was when you used to scream at me. yeahh, i promised i wont do it again, but now im a little afraid of seeing you around, like as if im feeling awkward. i must have been really evil back then to deserve all the shame now. well, i hope everything is over now, and that we'll be back to how we used to be, sharing secrets, giggling together and all sorta stuff. we already wasted two silly years on this cold war so maybe its time we should stop and you know, I REALLY WANNA GO SHOPPING WITH YOU ONE DAY. haha. thanks, thank you so much for putting enough trust in me, cos i feel a lot better now. (: bless you
anyway, you know, everytime you see me with a guy, i will always curse under my breath. i THOUGHT you would bad mouth me but surprisingly, you didnt all the time. so yeah, for that, thanks alot. (i just tend to be close to guys la.)
oh, one last thing... stuff bout mom, i dont wanna talk bout it, cos i really dont want. i know you hate dad, but yeahh, i think we got different views bout it and im more sensitive towards it. maybe we will try and talk bout that after some time k?
i still have something to say!! guess what? i came home early today k... and i have been coming home early... unlike less year, i no longer hang out like nobody's business. you ought to feel relieve that your sis is being well taken care of in school and someone makes sure she goes home safely everyday... haha, i'll show you who someday! :D
wait, one last question: why do you always force me to eat? is it after knowing that im anorexic?

back to school stuff... have many lab lessons these days and im quite interested in them, at least they are much more fun then normal lessons in class. by the way, we had student leaders meeting today and for the RHD skit, im playing as a flower girl with POORNIMAAA! yay. much easier though, LOL cos there's nothing to memorise!! muahaha. oh, for take the city walk, I BECAME GROUP LEADER FOR THE MOTIVATION TEAM!! i suspected mr tan for helping us. LOL. its gonna be fun since dinah and darren's all around. WHEE, just that sorrie my dear munyee, i didnt mean to leave you out. ): wish you could have joined us too... but AISHITERU (lol, okay the last part on loving you was random)

alright, enough of blogging, i got nothing much else to do now so time to bath, its weekends and time to "enjoy" some studying... MY ORAL'S NEXT WEEK, Your Mighty Lord, watch over me yeah? Amen.

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