Wednesday, June 18, 2014

58 days.

Time flies.  its only mid week but I am feeling fatigue because I just came back from campusrev camp over the weekend and I stayed up to for ntu fest meeting to do work. Yes v quickly we are counting down to less than 8 weeks away. Somehow, I still cannot believe this is happening. O Lord, let me not belittle what You can do through me.

Campusrev camp has always been life changing for me. When I was a freshie, God spoke to me there and I sensed His calling to serve and eventually led to a shift im cg. The next year, again I sought God and was led to rise up to my position of influence in school. Finally this year as I dread going due to the jadedness (which I repented on) I felt over the years,  I felt at peace over the trip. Though slightly distracted,  I knew I was playing a different role now. I am a leader over my members who too desire to serve. I am blessed to know that they caught the fire.

Lately,  I also struggle in the different hats I wear. One moment we are friends, another we are co-leaders and then finally we are also committee members working in the same project. When I look at you, many times my heart cringed. I dont know how to help you as much as I want to. Its a journey for you and I pray that the Lord will speak to you.

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