Wednesday, February 07, 2007

i know you are reading this, you definitely will. that's cos i know you having been wanting to know what's happening in my life, that's whyy you wouldnt miss out this post as well. okay, even though i didnt say sorrie right in front of you, i hope you understand that i mean it cos this misunderstanding only sinks deeper day after day and at last things seem to be clearer now. and i really dont wish for much like getting back into the past and be as close as ever cos i no longer wanna take you for granted or being selfish. i know you are not mine, i know we can only remain like that. i have given up, on myself, not you. time has proven that im a failure. you know, i just hope that we can still get together once in a while to catch up and i believe its more than enough for me. since we are each going on different ways now, having our own world, own things to do, lets not bother each other anymore and give each other more freedom and space. i rmb it used to be hard for me to accept this but now, i truly understand, get whats all these are about. i know we will never forget the times we ever had together, be it the laugher or the tears, its kept there in my heart and locked up already. thank God for your existence and may He bless you.

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