Friday, February 02, 2007

thanks melissa guo. thanks alot. enlightened me. haha. i think its true. so so true. if i have talked to you earlier, i think i wouldnt be so troubled. everything's solved. im feeling so light now. thank God.

so what if its my fault, its not necessary to apologise. cos you made me said all that and the problem doesnt all lie on me. you are part of it too. you may have made me smile several times but i guess the times i cried over you isnt much lesser. you dont deserve our friendship since you didnt try to earn it back. and i really want you to know that i may have lost a good brother, a special friend but you too, have lost an even better sis and a soulmate that you cant find out there just by the roadside. but still, even if i didnt call you up on the hp and apologise or continue this arguement and give you a chance to do some explanation, i wanna say sorrie here, for causing all the inconveniece to you on these over this period of time. its time for a thing like this to come to an end. im not sure if we still call it a friendship, but its gonna remain as stagnant as ever from now on. im not gonna let it affect me anymore. i thank you for everything you have ever done for me but that's it, im letting it go, for once.

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