Sunday, February 23, 2014


God, restore order in my life.

Visited the post teens cell for the first time yesterday. So much to learn and I am excited. Though I dont know much and I need to start from as basic as the names of everyone,  I am willing to try. I am pretty sure I will make mistakes along the way but I am also aware that in this family, there is grace and room for growth. Thank God.

Decided to make a stand to my mom last night by not going home. When I left the house,  I already knew shes not handling her emotions. Well... like the woman who gave her last two mites, Lord this is my all too. Living by faith is really living on the edge.

Mr Chong texted me earlier today to ask if I am going on exchange.  姜还是老的辣。he figured I applied and wished for it on a wrong motivation. Just thankful he thought of me and bothered to confirm Joyce's no. I doubt joyce would tell him any thing about my exchange... In fact, I asked God for another confirmation. It's not that I dont trust my leader, I really just wanted to be thoroughly convinced. And now I am. So no more questions from me. Sad, yes i still am.. I dont wanna deny my feelings. But really learning to cope better. If God's NO is NOT a rejection but a REDIRECTION, then what's next, Dad? ;)

Three tests next week with lots of work to catch up on. But ok... step by step You'll lead me. Jiayou GuoYi! :)

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